Activities Q1/3
Open template, save a copy to your C drive, edit
Downloads, Tutorials
Royalty Free Images, Audio, and Video
Tips and General Help
Outstanding 90-100
Proficient 80-90
Basic 70-80
Insufficient 60-70
To complete this activity, follow the steps below. Click on links for help.
Learning objectives: By the end of this activity, you will be able to:
Step One
Review the Shot types page on CAILAB.
Step Two
Create a folder for this activity on your Desktop. Name the folder shot_types1 or something similar. You will be saving your shots to this folder.
Step Three
Find as many different shots as you can in the clips provided below. Or, you may use other clips you find on your own. You must find at least one example of each basic shot type and 1 example of 4 secondary shot types (for a total of 10) as defined on the Shot Types page.
When you find a shot that you want to save, pause the video and take a screenshot using Snagit or another screenshot app. Save the screenshots in the folder you created in Step Two. Important: Save each screenshot using the name of the shot type it represents.
Step Four
Upload the entire folder you created in Step Two to your class folder on Google Drive. This folder should now contain all the screenshots you took for Step Three.
Step Five
Submit a link to your folder to Google Classroom.
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