Welcome back, everybody! We're going to have a great year.

Rather than working on our current project until you are 'done', you are required to work on it until we move on to the next project as a class.

It is never perfect. There are always improvements that can be made.

Types of Camera Movements


  • Camera stays in one place while it swivels up or down
  • Changes angle
  • Can be used to reveal something hidden at the beginning of a shot
  • Emphasizes length and height


  • Camera stays fixed in place and moves left or right
  • Can be used to give a panoramic view, establish a scene, show hidden elements of a scene, build tension
  • Emphasizes length and width


  • Camera stays in one place while lens zooms in or out
  • Can be used to emphasize part of a shot, to add drama, speed, or tension
  • Do not overuse


Also called jib or pedestal

  • Entire camera moves up or down
  • Camera is fixed to one position, usually a tripod
  • Used to shoot a tall character or subject, or to reveal hidden element


  • Camera moves toward or away from the subject


  • Camera moves horizontally along a fixed line
  • Used to 'follow' a subject


  • Camera is not on a tripod, but rather held in the hands of the camera person.


  • Rotates the camera to the side
  • Rarely used
  • Used to disorient the viewer

See resources linked in the bookmarks

Camera movement