File management activity 1

Outstanding 90-100

  • Class and project folders created on your Desktop.
  • You downloaded at least 15 files from the directory provided by your teacher, and placed those files in your project folder on your Desktop.
  • You renamed the files in your project folder using descriptive names
  • You uploaded your project folder to your Google Drive class folder
  • You shared that Google folder on Google Classroom

Proficient 80-90

  • Class and project folders created on your Desktop.
  • You downloaded at least 12 files from the directory provided by your teacher, and placed those files in your project folder on your Desktop.
  • You renamed the files in your project folder using descriptive names
  • You uploaded your project folder to your Google Drive class folder
  • You shared that Google folder on Google Classroom

Basic 70-80

  • Class and project folders created on your Desktop.
  • You downloaded at least 8 files from the directory provided by your teacher, and placed those files in your project folder on your Desktop.
  • You renamed the files in your project folder using mostly descriptive names but some of the names were vague or confusing
  • You uploaded your project folder to your Google Drive class folder
  • You shared that Google folder on Google Classroom

Insufficient 60-70

  • Class and project folders created on your Desktop.
  • You downloaded fewer than 8 files from the directory provided by your teacher, and placed those files in your project folder on your Desktop.
  • You did not rename your files or renamed them in a confusing manner
  • You uploaded your project folder to your Google Drive class folder
  • You shared that Google folder on Google Classroom

Standards: ISTE 1a, 1b, 1d, 4b, 4c, 4d

What do you already know?

Indicate below your understanding of the following concepts on a scale of 1-6

1 = "100% no"
6 being "100% yes."

Name is optional

  1. Do you know the difference between a computer file and a computer folder?
  2. Do you know how to rename files?
  3. Do you know how to rename folders?
  4. Do you know what can and cannot be used in file and folder names?
  5. Do you know what makes a good file and folder name?
  6. Do you ever plan your file and folder organization before starting a large project?

We will complete this either using a Google form or on paper.

To complete this activity, follow the steps below. Click on links for help.

  1. Create a folder for this activity on your Desktop and give it a descriptive name. See how.
  2. In your browser (i.e., Chrome), go to the media folder for this activity. Download at least 15 of those files to your Desktop folder.
  3. Rename each file. Give each file a descriptive name. See how..
  4. Upload your entire fileman1 folder to your Google Drive. See how.
  5. Submit a link to your folder on Google Classroom. See how.

File Management 1

In this activity, you will practice downloading, organizing, renaming, uploading, and sharing files and folders.

Why are we doing this?

Because these are essential skills for this class. When making a video, you will be working with many files across different machines. It is vital that you have the skills to organize and manage your files.

Learning objectives: By the end of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Create folders on your Desktop
  • Download and save folders and files from the internet to folders on your Desktop
  • Rename files and folders on your Desktop
  • Upload files and folders to your Google Drive
  • Get shareable links for folders on your Google Drive
  • Post shareable links to Google Classroom

Getting Ready

Before we start, let's review the basics of file and folder management.

Now that you know how to properly name and organize files and folders, let's get started!

Main Activity

In class activity

Step One

Create a folder for this class on your Desktop and give it a descriptive name like video_prod. Inside that folder, create a folder for this activity. Name that folder fileman1.

You don't have to use the above names, but remember to make a plan and be consistent!

Step Two

In your browser (i.e., Chrome), go to the media folder for this activity. You will see a directory of media files. Download at least fifteen of those files to your fileman1 folder on your Desktop. You are welcome to download all the files if you wish.

Note that you have many options for how you download all or some of the files. We will review these options in class.

Step Three

You'll notice that the file names are not descriptive. In other words, just by looking at the name of a file, you have no idea what the subject of the picture or video is.

Now you need to rename the files, giving them descriptive names. If it's a picture of clouds, and it's a jpg file, a good file name would be clouds.jpg. If you have a lot of pictures of clouds, you can put a number on each one, such as clouds1.jpg, clouds2.jpg, etc.

As you start making videos, you will be working with many files and folders. It's vital that you name your files and folders descriptively.

OPTION: You have the option of organizing your pictures and videos in separate folders (i.e., a folder for pictures and one for videos).

Step Four

Once you have renamed everything, upload your entire fileman1 folder to your class folder on Google Drive.

Step Five

Submit a link to your folder on Google Classroom.

Need a challenge?

Try any of the following:

  • Organize subfolders in your main project folder according to a plan. For example, put all the videos in a folder named video, pictures in a folder named picture, etc.
  • You can use some of your own files. But they have to be images or videos that you took yourself.
  • Add your own files to the folder for this activity! If you have files that you would like to add to the project folder, upload them to a folder on Google Drive and share that folder with the teacher. The teacher will then transfer them to the project folder. Of course, if you do this, other students will be able to see and use your files.
  • You can always work on your seedbed.
  • Do have another idea for a challenge? Ask the instructor!

How-to Videos

Tips page

Tips wiki

Get shared link

Export to mp4

Add captions



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