Video Production Schedule

Two new items have been added to the footer menu: the Demo DIY Blog and the Mini Lessons page. We'll be using that mini-lessons page regularly.

Rather than working on our current project until you are 'done', you are now required to work on it until we move on to the next project as a class.
It is never perfect. There are always improvements that can be made.

Week 11: Week of 01-Apr-2024
  • First couple of mini lessons. Yee-ha!
  • Ad video absolutely, positively DUE by Friday! You are required to continually improve your video until the last class of the week.
  • We will discuss the upcoming PSA project during the last class of the week.
Week 12: Week of 08-Apr-2024
  • Begin PSA project. Script due by the end of the week.
Week 13: Week of 15-Apr-2024
  • Work on PSA project. The PSA video is due Friday.
Week 14: Week of 22-Apr-2024
  • Begin work on selected project: Movie Trailer, Book Review, or Scene Dub.Script required. You can use any of our script formats and templates.
Week 15: Week of 29-Apr-2024
  • Continue work on your choice of: Movie Trailer, Book Review, or Scene Dub. Script is DUE by the end of the week.
Week 16: Week of 06-May-2024
  • Continue working on your selected project.
  • If you feel you are finished with your current project, have at least two classmates review your movie. Make it better! There's always room for improvement.
Week 17: Week of 13-May-2024
  • Selected project (Movie Trailer, Book Review, or Scene Dub) is DUE by the last class of the week.
  • You can start on the final project this week. Your final project will be your choice of an Individual Project or Intercurricular Project.
Week 18: Week of 20-May-2024
  • Begin work on your choice of Individual Project or Intercurricular Project. Script is DUE by the end of the week.
Week 19: Week of 27-May-2024
  • Finish your final project.

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