Activities Q1/3
Open template, save a copy to your C drive, edit
Downloads, Tutorials
Royalty Free Images, Audio, and Video
Tips and General Help
Welcome back, everybody! We're going to have a great year.
Rather than working on our current project until you are 'done', you are required to work on it until we move on to the next project as a class.
It is never perfect. There are always improvements that can be made.
Basic shot types
These are the most frequently used shot types. You will be required to use all of these in some of your projects.
Secondary shot types
These are additional shot types you'll often see. You will be required to use some of these in your projects.
Camera angles and placement
Other types of shots
Supplementary material
Dise, J., 2016. Filmmaking 101: Camera Shot Types. B&H Photo.
The Ultimate Guide to Camera Shots [Online image]. (2020). Studio Binder.