Shot Type Activity 2
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Outstanding 90-100
- Folders created on your Desktop
- Folders created on your Google Drive
- Shot list or storyboard completed correctly and with appropriate details
- Folders named descriptively and files named by shot type
- At least 10 shot types shared
- All shots are accurately named according to type
- Shots generally agree with the shot list or storyboard
Proficient 80-89
- Folders created on your Desktop
- Folders created on your Google Drive
- Shot list or storyboard completed correctly and with appropriate details
- Folders named descriptively and files named by shot type
- At least 8 shot types shared
- Most shots are accurately named according to type
- Shots generally agree with the shot list or storyboard
Basic 70-79
- Folders created on your Desktop
- Folders created on your Google Drive
- Shot list or storyboard completed correctly and with most appropriate details
- Folders named descriptively and files named by shot type with just a couple errors
- At least 6 shot types shared
- Some shots are accurately named according to type
- Shots generally agree with the shot list or storyboard
Insufficient 60-69
- Folders created on your Desktop
- Folders created on your Google Drive
- Shot list or storyboard missing or incomplete
- Folders named descriptively and files named by shot type, with a few errors
- Fewer than 6 shot types shared
- Shots are not accurately named according to type